Pokémon Identity

Pokémon Identity

This fantastic hack was developed by VGAura and is called Pokémon Identity. Not only did he design brand new sprites for his game, but he also developed a brand new story from scratch, complete with new characters. It took him one year to finish and release this version after he began development in 2010, and it was released in 2011. There are three different chapters in the game, but in this release, you can only play the first two of them. I have no doubt that you will take pleasure in it just as I do.

In the city of Auria, the 100th annual Pokémon League tournament for this region is currently being held. A young child keeps a journal and comments, as the beginning of the tournament approaches, on how festive the city has become.

Our main character, Id (pronounce EED), wakes up in a place that is unknown to him or her and realizes that a significant portion of his or her body has been replaced with mechanical components. Id is frightened and resolved to flee in order to discover what is going on, but he or she realizes that this will not be an easy task so long as the strange scientists remain committed to capturing him or her. However, with the assistance of an unidentified woman, the protagonist is successful in snatching a Pokémon and then making his way out of the building through the rear exit. Id only just manages to get away from those who are chasing him or her before secretly boarding a ship, not knowing where it will go.


– Wonderful Graphics
– New Character Sprites
– Good Game Plot
– New Pokemon Starters

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