Pokémon Fellito

Pokémon Fellito

This version is a rom hack of Pokémon Emerald and it contains Pokémon from the first 3 generations (plus you can find 1G and 2G Pokémon from the start of the game). I created it in a way to give back the taste for capturing to the players (because let’s be honest, many of us keep our starter until the 3rd or 4th badge while waiting for a perfect team).

I always found the original Pokémon versions frustrating on a few specific points such as the overly simplistic difficulty, arena bosses with only 2 Pokémon, the incredible number of Rattata throughout the game, the number of useless objects found on the ground and if we find small Pokémon there are necessarily larger evolutions that generated them, right?

And for that I applied these changes:

– The difficulty of the game has been greatly increased
– You have the possibility of finding double or triple evolutions in the tall grass which will help you face this difficulty (However, double and triple evolutions will learn their attacks more slowly and are harder to catch).
– In addition, the items found in the store are different and some cost more.
– Items found in the wild have been changed.
– Some Pokémon carry very cool items, it’s up to you to find them.
– And finally a trio of badass starters: Lokhlass, Scarhino and Absol.

Other than that the story remains the same, so enjoy!

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