Magical Fengshen (マジカル封神, Majikaru Houshin) is a hand-held original adventure set in Koei’s version of the Fengshen Yanyi universe. The story is independent from the sequels and takes place three years after the events of the first title. A few hints in the story imply that it would take place before Fengshen Yanyi 2. Though made to be a tie-in with Mystic Heroes, it was not distributed overseas.
The land is at peace and the darkness have been sealed once more. Sora and his friends are trainee sennin (mystics) who are crazy about discovering more information regarding paopei (宝贝), weapons with divine powers that were made forbidden once the war with monsters were over.
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Wanting to invent these artifacts themselves, they sneak into their home’s paopei inventing room and miraculously create one from ingredients they gathered on the spot. Moments after, they encounter a demon and defend themselves from the creature with their paopei. Their master is worried by the demon’s presence and assigns the three youngsters the important task of exterminating them. With the hope of the land resting on their shoulders, they leave their home for the first time to see what awaits them.