Turok: Rage Wars

Turok: Rage Wars

Humanity faces extinction from an intergalactic threat, as the Earth has been targeted by a group of militaristic colonizers known as the Amarinthine Accordance. Now it is up to Turok, also known as Joshua Fireseed, to save humanity once again. While the main enemy is the Accordance, the Dinosoids have allied with them. Turok must travel to four alien worlds to defeat both the Dinosoids and the Accordance. Luckily, he has a wide range of weapons at his disposal including a knife, pistol, rocket launcher, and bow. While exploring the planets, Turok will find tune-up kits that increase the power of each weapon, as well as shields that will protect him from attack. Will Turok be able to stop both the Dinosoids and Amarinthine Accordance? Play TUROK: Rage Wars and find out.

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