Sonic Adventure 7

Sonic Adventure 7

A mysterious island has surfaced near Sonic’s home-an island with a revoltingly familiar shape. The bald dome and walrus shape moustache are a total giveaway: Robotnik has built another floating platform to carry on with his plan to rule the world! Sonic the Hedgehog and Knuckles the Echidna decide there’s only one thing to do: get to the plathorm, break inside, and do some serious progperty damage. Unfortunately, that is precisely what that eggheaded villain is counting on. Robotnik has laid a series of traps he thinks are infallible. His plan is all too familiar: get rid of his nemesis Sonic for good, and once that’s doon, collect the Chaos Emeralds in order to gain the power he needs to take over the world. Travel with Sonic the Hedgehog or Knuckles the Echidna through a maze of traps, evil robots and fearsome scenery, and prove to Dr. Robotnik that there’s no trap made that a determined Sonic or can’t overcome!

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