Luigi’s Mansion 64

Luigi's Mansion 64

Mariocrash and Me-me produced the ROM hack known as Luigi’s Mansion 64. It was made in 2015 and has 111 Stars (in the hack, they are referred to as Starlings).

Luigi is summoned by Princess Peach to her castle in order to protect her from King Boo. Luigi meets Lakitu when he gets there; they are filming him. When he enters the eerie mansion, he recognizes a voice telling him not to be a part of the place. Outside, Toad tells Luigi that King Boo and his minions have broken into the castle, kidnapped the princess, and are holding everyone inside the walls of the mansion hostage. Additionally, he took the Starlings and gave them to his henchmen, who are hiding inside the haunted mansion’s paintings. To defeat King Boo and save the Princess, Luigi jumps into the enchanted paintings and retrieves the Starlings.

Although they have been significantly altered, the hack uses the same levels as Super Mario 64. Although the levels have been moved around quite a bit, the overworld layout is largely unchanged. Fans of the original game will therefore find the game to be very familiar. Snowman’s Land is the only level from SM64 that is absent from this hack.

The level numbering presents a small problem. The levels appear in SM64 order when entering a level, on the pause menu in the overworld, and during gameplay. The number next to each level in the overworld’s pause menu, however, indicates the intended order.

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