New Batman Adventures, The – Chaos In Gotham

New Batman Adventures, The – Chaos In Gotham is an action genre video game, released by publisher Ubisoft to fans in 2001. The game was inspired by the superhero character Batman. New Batman Adventures, The – Chaos In Gotham has a plot sticking to the content of the movie The new Batman Adventures. Gotham is a chaotic city, and this place has always been a concentration of crooked criminals. But from the day Batman came, people enjoyed their peaceful lives. Although most criminals are incapable of fighting Batman, Arkham Asylum is strong enough to withstand Batman’s supernatural powers. In the process of surrounding the fleeing death row inmates, Batman realizes that Arkham Asylum is the mastermind behind it all. Batman realized he was being put in, immediately he stopped before the Gotham people once again suffered disaster. The game has funny cartoon graphics and quite clear sounds, which make it become an effective entertainment game.

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