Full Auto 2 – Battlelines

The first installment of the car racing combat game, Full Car, was released in February 2006 for the Xbox 360. Full Auto 2: Battlelines is the sequel to that game.

The PlayStation Portable (PSP) version of the sequel is based on the PlayStation 3 edition, but it lacks several features from the PS3 edition for obvious reasons. As a result, the damage modeling for the vehicles is more simplistic, and fewer multiplayer options are available. This edition does include additional gaming modes, vehicles, weaponry, and a different narrative arc than previous releases.

It feels like a combination of Burnout and Twisted Metal when you play the game. The PSP version places a greater emphasis on the combat gameplay in the vein of Twisted Metal. In most competitions, the game’s objective is not to win a race; instead, the emphasis is on causing as much damage as possible. The goals shift from level to level; generally speaking, you must destroy a certain number of foes, particular targets, random items, or incoming cars to complete the level. In contrast to the PS3 version, the event must have every single objective accomplished to be won.

The game features two different types of general gameplay: Racing and Arena. The ‘Unwreck’ feature is also available, allowing the player to rewind the game’s clock. The environment, on the other hand, is not nearly as interactive. The vast majority of objects cannot be destroyed; only particular ones may, such as a lead pipe that falls on cars chasing it. Most damage is done to various things, including storefronts, bus stations, trash cans, and other items.

This game has ad hoc multiplayer support for up to four players. In the multiplayer game types Head-On, Down & Back, and Arena Deathmatch, players can either compete in a race or fight in an open arena or do so as part of a team.

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