
Jeopardy! is a puzzle game developed based on a reality TV game of the same name in the United States. At the time, Jeopardy! along with Wheel of Fortune are the two most popular entertainment television games in the US. So its adaptation into online games is a great interest. The rules of the game are very simple, only the player chooses a question from the given question set and each question will correspond to the prize amount below. If you answer the question correctly and the fastest you will win the bonus of that question.

In the game, up to three players will compete against each other through each question. The first one is you, the rest of your opponents will be computers or other players. You can also choose a picture to represent yourself as well as two people playing, with characters like Loser, Irene, Hazel. There will be three rounds that players must pass if you want to be the winner. At the beginning of the game, there will be a system of questions covering six different areas such as Mammals, Fairy Tales, Monie whoswho, Sunshine State, Valleys, Apple-Savce. In each field, there is a maximum of five questions and the prize money of each question will start from one hundred dollars to five hundred dollars. The person who chooses the next question will be the one who correctly answers the previous question. Its appear on your screen along with a keyboard so you can write your answers on them. When you have finished writing the answers, quickly click submit to be the correct and fastest answer. At the end of each round, there will be a shape question and the amount of the prize money in this question will be doubled for the correct answer. At the end of the first round, any player with the lowest score will be disqualified. The remaining two will enter the second round is the confrontation round. In this round, the rules are the same as in the first round but the difficulty of the question will increase with the number of bonuses also increased. The winner of this round will have the opportunity to come to the special round with huge bonus value. When you win, the game will return to the first round but the difficulty of the questions is increasing, the competencies of the opponents are also gradually improved. This is a game that will accumulate you a lot of knowledge in each different field with a total of 1500 questions.

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