Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai – Another Road is the sequel to Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai, a one-on-one fighting game for the PSP. The plot revolves around Majin Buu and takes place in the timeline of Future Trunks. The story branching into numerous scenarios leads to different opponents and bosses based on particular actions. Play across the DBZ universe as one of the 24 characters and follow Trunk’s journey as he travels through time to save humanity. Players can personalize their characters’ strength, speed, and other attributes using a novel card system, and wireless head-to-head gaming is also incorporated.
There are seven distinct game modes (Another Road, Z-Trial, etc. ), 50 new fighting techniques and ultimate attacks, a new power-level system in the story mode, and in-game morphing. The camera position can now be changed during combat, which is unique in this edition.