Family & Friends Party

Have fun with all your friends and family as you take on same very exciting challenges! Have fun with all your friends and family as you take on some very exciting challenges! This is an interactive board game for all ages and for one to eight players. The object of the game is to complete all the challenges set by Family & Friends Party. The first to complete them all is the winner! Teams take turns to play. The team selected in each turn must complete a specific challenge. The challenge will be played by one or two players in the team depending on the type of challenge you have been given. Nevertheless, the other the players in the team can help and support you. You can never get enough help! There are six different “Single” challenges. These challenges must be played cooperatively by members of the same team. Sometimes, Family & Friends Party will also suggest playing “Versus” challenges, which must be played competitively by all the teams at the same time.

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