Loco Roco

The blob-like LocoRoco is in danger! A meteor has crashed-landed on their planet, bringing the black, shaggy Moja Troop, who enjoy LocoRoco. They’ll soon be nearly all gone! You are responsible for taking control of the earth with your PSP and repopulating it with LocoRoco.

LocoRoco is a one-of-a-kind PSP game that is easy to learn and play. The L and R Buttons tilt the game world to the left and right, causing the LocoRoco to roll in that direction, respectively, while pushing both L and R simultaneously causes the earth to bounce and the LocoRoco to jump.

LocoRoco enjoys eating, and their favorite food is the planet’s native red berries. The LocoRoco grows more significant with each one you consume. It may become too large to fit through tiny spaces, but this is not a problem. If you press the Circle button, the LocoRoco screech and disintegrate into small pieces. Holding the Circle button causes them to all shout out and merge back into the one LocoRoco.

There are also ‘Mui Mui,’ or little blue men. These people can be found in the more remote areas of the levels. Discover them, and you’ll be rewarded with more parts to build your own ‘Loco House’ and different music tracks to play in it. You can customize your Loco House to your desire and watch while a LocoRoco explores it, potentially earning you even more house pieces. You can now share your Loco House with another player.

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